Wednesday, July 23, 2008

After we left Reno, we decided to drive through the backhills of Arizona, Where it was much cooler, on the way home. It was really pretty and we stopped at the Petrified forest store, so I could buy a piece of it to take home! Then we stopped in El Paso, to see Jimmy's former orthopedic surgeon (who only consults now) to look at my foot, that I have had problems with for years. He wanted to get an MRI. The upshot is that I have torn/sprained tendons in my foot and that its actually my ankle that is inflamed and messed up. He doesn't see where surgery could fix it, so he suggested a cortisone shot in my ankle and possibly wearing a foot brace for awhile(Jeez!, I hate getting old!)
I'll be doing that probabaly next week.

Then we came home for awhile, earlier this week. (July 21st) and Jimmy's friend Rodney and his girlfriend Georgeanna have decided to put in new flooring at their lakehouse, sooooo Jimmy decided that WE (our mechanics,& Jimmy) could do it! So that's how we spent Yesterday.
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