Sunday, July 20, 2008

About the third week of June, We headed out to Reno, Nv. For our Marathon "bus Rally". We arrived on a Saturday... and happened to see our friends Bob and Nadine from Oregon, going to Las Vegas for the Truck Show, on the same road going East! We met with them and had dinner. Then we settled in Sunday and started activites on Monday, after everyone else arrived. Monday was the Reno Rodeo, complete with barrel races, bronco bustin', bull riding and calf roping! Lots of fun. Then dinner and music at the "Bucket of Blood Saloon" with the 'Comstock Cowboys".

Tuesday was "Great Gatsby" day!

Jimmy and I rented roaring 20s outfits.... complete with a feather in my sequined headband, fringed dress and Jimmy in a Zoot suit with bright yellow hat with a pheasant feather! We were the hit of the day! We were treated to a fabulous collection of very rare cars (about 300 of them) owned by a Mr. Lee. Lots of security, we weren't even allowed to take pictures!


Was a "free" day, or for the people who play golf.....a."golfing" day. We spent a lot of the day with me doing payroll on the internet and Jimmy on top of the bus...messing with the dish!


Today, we went on a paddlewheel boat ride on Lake Tahoe! Nice weather, cool, except in the sunshine....pretty warm! The only drawback was that the fires in California were sooooo bad that the smoke had settled over in Nevada. It had even invaded the campground where we were parked. Really smoky....the news was talking about resipiratory problems. After the boat ride we went to our hosts home....a quaint little shack on the banks of the Lake, 23,000 square feet, three stories, three elevators, wine room, gold gilded ceilings in the poweder room, theater room, etc.!!!! Jeez! White Lamborghini and Black Masarati in the garage.....Chuck and Cindy Bluth...he used to own the Cal/Neva Casino.....Holy Cow what a place! It seems that he wanted to build a boat dock for his boat, and the army corps of engineers said no. SO>>> he bought a small Marina (already existing) kicked everyone out, tore it down and built his house on the shore. Pretty cool!


Most of the busses lined up and caravanned through downtown Reno... on the way out of town and the Bluths had arranged for a photographer to snap a picture of each bus, as we drove under the arch! I will post that picture, as soon as they send it to us!
A very nice ending to a nice week!

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