The name of the company was Demilec USA.
2925 Galleria drive
Arlington, Tx 76011
The class was $400.00 for the contractor and $300 for each additional person/ is 3 1/2 days long....8 hours a day, then about 5 hours. Really intense information the 1st 2 days, then application the last 2 and a test. 817-640-4900..
Any questions call me...817-917-4346
2925 Galleria drive
Arlington, Tx 76011
The class was $400.00 for the contractor and $300 for each additional person/ is 3 1/2 days long....8 hours a day, then about 5 hours. Really intense information the 1st 2 days, then application the last 2 and a test. 817-640-4900..
Any questions call me...817-917-4346