Thursday, November 12, 2009

The 5th through the 8th of November, brought the Texas Nascar race, one of the last three races of the season. It was really cool....a Sikorsky helicopter from Ft. Hood flew in and literally "delivered" the pace car! Then a B52 Bomber (I thnk) flew overhead after the national anthem. We were all in our friend's new RV spot in "Burnout Alley" above turn 2, where we could see all the wrecks that hit the wall, (right in front of us)..! It was lots of fun all weekend, then we head out to the Phoenix race for the next weekend! (next to last race) where we meet a bunch of "bus" friends from the west coast!
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1 comment:

Uncle Brewski said...

I'm so guys actually USE your bus!