Monday, October 26, 2009

Woke up on Oct.22 to the first snow! it was soooo pretty! But, by Sun. the was all but gone. :(
Then, woke up this morning (the 26th) to a light dusting on everything.....brrrrr, cold! Too cold to paint, today, but Jimmy insisted on cutting the tile to lay on the kitchen counter.....
Libby, one of my cats, loves to sit outside or go for a walk, so we clip her up to a lease and hook it to the door of the bus. After about 30 minutes, we looked out and saw about a dozen deer all gathered around the bus.....we couldn't figure out why until we remembered Libby! She was all crouched down and a doe was three inches from her nose! I threw open the window and they all scattered....Libby wasn't the least intimidated.....She said "I had 'em right where I wanted 'em!" ha!ha!
Plan to finish the tile tomorrow and, if it's not too cold or windy, Jimmy thinks he can finish up all the upper painting. Then, all we have left is the trim and the flooring to stain.
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