Monday, June 08, 2009

After the satellite dish, new trac lighting was called for. Once the work was done, we headed out to swim. The doggies have a new ladder, called "Paws Aboard" and they can swim to it and literally walk up onto the boat. Pretty cool!
Then on Sunday... I stepped on the boat from the dock, lost my balance and fell backwards. Hit my head on the concrete dock behind me and fell down the steps, twisting my back.....MAN! did it hurt! needless to say, I spent most of the day inside, lying down.
Saturday afternoon, I noticed that Shadow (my poodle) seemed to be feeling bad. He started vomiting and had diarreah. then on Sunday, he wouldn't eat. So, on Monday, when we got back to town, we went straight to the vet.
After several hundred dollars worth of tests, they figured out he had Pancreatitus!! They immediately checked him in and put him on plasma and a bag of fluids. Three days of antibiotics, injections and fluids....poor baby! I finally got to bring him home on the third afternoon...a little scary.
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