Well, on our way home, Jimmy has made arrangements to stop in Ruston, Louisiana to look at some 2007 Volvos. They are repo trucks from some poor company that went broke. We have a couple of brand new ones on order, but they won't be delivered until July. If these will do, we would save about $25,000 each and buy them.
After looking at them, Jimmy decided to buy one of them to try out the mileage, etc. So, when we got home, he arranged for us to go back down, next weekend and pick one up.
In the meantime, Hector, our friend and former driver, who owns his own trucks, now.....one of his drivers and trucks had a wreck in Houston. The driver was fine, but the truck was totalled. So we drove down on Thursday to retrieve the satellite equipment and some other stuff. Friday afternoon, we drove to Louisiana to pick up the truck.