Thursday, August 02, 2007

We made it to Teslin, and who was there, but our friends we met in North Pole, Ak. from Albuquerque, N.M. and a bunch of people that they were traveling with.
Wednesday morning, they had some mechanical problems, so Jimmy lent a hand, then we were off......Jimmy had told Kim and Kim ours friends in Seattle, that we would be there, Friday night! 1500 miles to go! So, like a barn sour we went! Talk about Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! Besides the roads having deteriorated quite badly, since we drove up. Many places that were perfect when we drove up, were now freshly oiled and gravelled and had chuckholes that were under construction or being filled.
Very narrow, winding and lots of frost heaves...I guess the permafrost had been melting while we were gone!
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