Well, we moved to the other RV park, bright and early, and Jimmy had another "Brickhouse" moment, since they had a wash rack.
After we got settled into our new spot....I started loads of laundry and we decided to go into town. Went to the bank to get our money exchanged, and, surprise! They were already closed. It seems that when you cross the border from Alaska, you lose an hour back to Pacific time! Drat! Then we decided to go to the Klondike Bar-B-Que, so Jimmy could have ribs...( He's been going through withdrawal for 2 months!) The food was pretty good, I had garlic-butter Prawns, then we stopped and the ice cream shop for a cone. Ice Cream is really big up here.....Alaska eats more ice cream annually, than any other state. ( I know, I know, we're in the Yukon, already) but it's big here too.
Then we stopped to watch some kids rock climbing a huge cliff, took pictures, then drove up the Dome of the Midnight Sun. It is this big hill/mountain where people can come on June 21st (the equinox) and watch the sun, never quite go down.......it supposedly dips just below the horizon, then comes back up. I have a time delayed picture that my Dad took from somewhere, up North in Alaska showing this.
We took pictures of the Klondike river (clear and dark) merging with the Yukon river, right around the curve of the town.....you can see it, if you look closely. Then Jimmy actually zoomed in with my camera, and found where we were parked!
Anyway, it is a cute little gold rush town, we're going to do some panning, tomorrow, then head down to Whitehorse on Saturday. More later......
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