Friday, February 21, 2014

Foot Surgery----ouch!

Ten years ago,  at a bus rally in Key West, Florida, I injured my right foot. It stretched tendons and ligaments, and they just never repaired a result, it got worse, over the years, resulting in a bad limp and painful walking, the last 2 years. On November 6th, I had rather extensive foot surgery, a cast for 2weeks, cut it off and x-rayed, another 2 weeks, cut it off and x-rayed......for 3 casts and then a walking boot/brace. I couldn't put weight on it for a month, and just got it off last Friday! (Feb. 14th!) Still hobbling around, can't drive yet....but it feels so much better....still hurts, but hopefully that will stop.


We went to the Nascar race, of course, at Texas Motor Speedway.....right before I was scheduled to have foot surgery......\