Sunday, December 18, 2011

Just a beautiful moonrise!
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ow! We came home after dark, the other night, and 2 HUGE ELK were in our front yard! The next night, Jimmy heard a commotion and it seems that Nikki (my dog) had encountered them and startled them so off they scampered, kicking some pipe somewhere....we heard a "clang"!
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Friday, our neighbor, Will, decided that he wanted to ski, too. Hadn't been in 15 years.....64 years old, and his wife has decided to take lessons and ski now, too. They have the bug now and Will just bought all new skis, etc. Jimmy is the one in front with the Blue helmet, Will is in the white pants and David the black. Double click on the picture.
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Our friend David, from Ft.Worth came to visit, and he and Jimmy skied 6 days last week! Whew! But the snow was great and after Tuesday, the weather was great, too!
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We got our first big snowstorm last week! Then another one followed and my car was a foot deep!
Jimmy has been skiing 6 days last week and Yesterday! Another big storm due in tonight! Right now, tho''s 50 degrees and not a cloud in the sky! barely sweater weather!
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