Saturday, July 30, 2011

ooohhhh! Look what was about 20 feet away from my back deck!
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Well, after several different nights of one of the bucks deciding that he wanted sweet water, and destroying my hummingbird feeders.....I came up with a new idea. I've got all 4 feeders on a pole that can raise and lower with a, no one can reach them except the birds! I thought I was pretty smart!!!
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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Two of the babies came back! The momma was still feeding them, but they were in the tree in my front yard, today!
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I have been watching this little bird nest right over my front door, since there were 4 eggs! The babies have grown like weeds, then yesterday...they all slowly left, one by one! The final picture was one of the babies, sitting on the chair, next to me! Not scared of us, since we came and went out the door all the time. SOOOOO cute!
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Well, last weekend was a very interesting Saturday night! After we had eaten dinner at the Kokopelli Club, Jimmy noticed that they were setting up for a game of Nite-golf!
So he called our friend Bret and his son Bronson to come play....what a hoot! Once the moon came up, it wasn't so bad....but until then it was REALLY dark~!
As the golf balls flew, they looked like a shooting star! Lots of fun, tho'!
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In our little bitty bedroom on the deck...I decided that we needed more room, so I asked Jimmy to build a Murphy Bed. When no one is visiting, Jimmy can fold it up and open the desk, for his office. Pretty cool, huh?
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At the end of June, The Woodwinds Gang got together for a finger food get-together....It was fun, we solved all the problems of the world!
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