Friday, January 02, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas, this year, was spent in Spicewood, Tx. , at my brother's house. The dogs (except for his "Cosmo" and my "Nikki") all got along and the boys finally got the 1964 Falcon, running. The weather was nice, 75 degrees, but windy! I got the boys all new "leatherman" kits ,
and GPSs. The girls I gave Coach purses and make-up kits. I got Jimmy a new iPhone 3G and he got me a new HP Touchscreen computer!!!! Really neato! I feel like those people on CSI that touch the computer screen and drag around different screens, cooool!
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On the way to my brother's house, for Christmas....we stopped off at Jimmy's aunt and uncle's house for a visit....they have acquired 8 (count 'em 8) Feral cats along with their own 2 Devon Rexs. The first one in the picture is one of the inside cats..Lincoln. I call him the Halloween cat! All the others are a momma and her kittens and they stay outside.
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